Subject: Re: Mounting UFS from solaris and NetBSD
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Yuri Gindin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/15/1997 18:23:44
On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, der Mouse wrote:

> > Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:51:13 +0200 (IST)
> It's a little old, but on the theory that late is better than never,
> > What can I do to see NetBSD FFS from solaris ? newfs -O on NetBSD ?
> If anything, that should do it.  If you newfs it from Solaris,NetBSD
> should be able to mount it read/write and work with it; going back to
> Solaris, I would expect nothing worse than fsck would be required.
I saw that it works and also when I fsck from solaris, after that 
I can read and write, but it seems to me dangerous. (On BSD FFS, not the 
solaris one.)
> > Another question about the emulation.
> > I tried both SunOS and SVR4 emulations
> > I can run many non-graphics applications both from SunOS and Solaris,
> > netscape-4 both SunOS and Solaris ,
> > some graphical applications from Solaris (dtcalc for example)
> > and almost nothing graphical from SunOS.
> > Is it supposed to be like this, means no graphical applications ?
> It would really help if you could be specific.  When you say you can't
> run them, does that mean you what?  Get "exec format error"?  Get a
> segfault?  They appear to run but nothing shows up?  They run and
> display something but what's displayed is reflected horizontally?
> (Okay, that last is unlikely, but please, "it doesn't work" borders on
> useless.)
I already solved this, when I removed "unlimit" in my .zshrc 