Subject: Re: silo overflows, was fifo overruns
To: Brad Salai <>
From: [This is my bacque pas, this is my faux pas] <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/11/1997 18:58:39
Ah, yes, but what kind of serial I/O did it have?  Certainly not the
zs8530 which, while supporting two serial ports, only has a two-and-a-
half byte Hardware FIFO for each port (two bytes of FIFO and a third
to hold the one that's coming in).

Brad Salai sez:
 * At 11:43 AM -0800 11/11/97, "Erik E. Fair" (Time Keeper) wrote:
 * >The IPX and SS2 are the fastest stock sun4c systems (40 MHz). If it's still
 * >unusable at 38400, we still have a ways to go.
 * >
 * >	Erik <>
 * This is bound to sound like a whine, but is not, just a little frustration.
 * I switched from a 16MHz MacII 68020 which had no trouble with 38400 or
 * higher, to a Sparc, to get more speed.
 * Ah well....
 * Brad
 * Stephen B. Salai                            Phone (716) 325-5553
 * Cumpston & Shaw                             Fax    (716) 262-3906
 * Two State Street                            email
 * Rochester, NY 14614

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