Subject: Re: ETA for NetBSD 1.3 Alpha/SPARC
To: alanp <>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/28/1997 14:43:17
With the portmaster's blessing, I can put up the snapshot that I built
yesterday from yesterday's sup. I decided to do a complete world-build
(i.e. I did a "make cleandir" in /usr/src last night) today, so the
snapshot from today's sup won't be ready until late evening (8 to 11 hours
to do a full world-build on a Classic (50 MHz microSPARC), and it started
at 06:30 PST), barring problems.

NetBSD/sparc runs on sun4, sun4c and sun4m - there are no architecture
specific versions (one of the things we got right that Sun itself punted

	Erik <>