Subject: Re: More keyboard/X problems...
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/27/1997 16:20:39
> Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 21:50:51 +0100 (MET)
> From: Krister Walfridsson <>

> I'm still having some problems with X and my keyboard...
> When I press "Caps Lock", the caps lock LED lights up, but it isn't
> switched off when I press the key more times.

Oh.  Well...  I probably botched the keymaps for the type 4 keyboard.
Only the type 3 keyboard maps have been used extensively (on sun3).

> By pressing the "Num Lock" key, I can switch random LEDS on/off...
> If I press Num Lock in the console (before I start X) I get the message
>   /netbsd: kbd0: unexpected keysym 0x8302

Hmmm... I should have arranged to print out the keycode and shift
state when we get the unexpected keysym.  Maybe you can figure that
out by pressing the "Num Lock" key and hold it down a few seconds,
then release it, and see when kbd driver prints the message.

BTW, 0x8302 is KEYSYM_HOLE from <sys/dev/sun/kbd_tables.h> so
maybe you can deduce what is happening by looking at the contents
of the decoding tables in kbd_tables.c (same place).

At least the "Caps Lock" key does SOMETHING now... (smile)
