Subject: Re: Sparc assembly code reference
To: None <>
From: Jeremy H. Brown <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/25/1997 13:40:53
> 	1) Is there a canonical assembly code (and/or architecture) 
> 	   reference manual?
> 	2) What is it?
> 	3) Where can I get it?

First off, you may want the SPARC Architecture Manual -- the Version 8
edition is edited by David L. Weaver and Tom Germond, and is ISBN
0-13-825001-4.  I don't know the editors or ISBN for Version 9.
(Version 8 covers up through SuperSPARCs, version 9 things after

The Architecture Manual covers the ISA pretty completely.  What it
omits is discussion of the pecadillos of each individual SPARC
implementation -- special registers, ASI assignments, memory bus
management, etc.  For that, you probably want the User's Manual for
the specific version you're interested in.

The SPARC architecture manual should be findable at or orderable
through a good technical bookstore, or, I imagine.  The
User's Guide, AFAIK, can only be gotten through Sun.  And I've been
saddened to discover that they don't stock them for older SPARC

Hope this helps -- perhaps others can fill in more details.
