Subject: Re: Can't build new kernel from 1.2.1 source
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/28/1997 04:44:23
> Paul Kranenburg <> writes:
>>> Stop.
>>> The offending code is
>>> 		if (sc->sc_ovtype == BWO_NONE)
>>> 			fbrcons_init(fb);
>>> #endif
>> I fixed this on March 2. So either the source tars date from before that
>> or I missed an rcs tag; can't tell which at the moment..
> Nobody notified me of this change.  It's too late now.

The date I have on the file - straight from the 1.2.1 source tarballs - is:

netbsd4me:1:34 [/usr/src/1.2.1] % ls -l sys/arch/sparc/dev/bwtwo.c
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  12697 Dec 11 02:57 sys/arch/sparc/dev/bwtwo.c

netbsd4me:1:35 [/usr/src/1.2.1] % head -1 sys/arch/sparc/dev/bwtwo.c
/*      $NetBSD: bwtwo.c,v 1996/12/10 19:24:43 mycroft Exp $ */

> There will probably be a 1.2.2 in the not very distant future.

If so, please consider including the pmap.c patch from Aaron Brown, as it
was quite frustrating having random occasional core dumps after I first
got the system up, especially when trying to build a new kernel to add his
patch and the compiler or shell kept randomly core dumping such that things
didn't get built right and the linker choked at the end of it all.  I had
to run the kernel "make" 3 or 4 times through to finally get everything
built properly (heh, kernel builds in 15 minutes on my new SS20/71, I dig it).


	- Greg