Subject: SBus ISP host adapter driver done
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew Jacob <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/10/1997 22:38:10
As part of the alpha porting effort, I've done a MI/MD
ISP1020 SCSI host adapter driver. I've verified minimally
that the SBus version works (with a Qlogic SBus card),
and have been running off the Alpha/PCI version for several
days now.

I'm going to be making the changes available on
as part of general effort (like the AIC7770 group) to support
this chipset for linux, netbsd, openbsd && freebsd soon.

Depending on how folks want this stuff, it's available for
other folks to test on- I'm passing it back to Chris Demetrious
as part of the  Alpha 8400 changes I've been doing and he'll
be possibly folding it into -current.
