Subject: Re: Is ELC memory non-parity or parity?
To: Harald Barth <>
From: David Conran <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/06/1997 09:37:39
Harald Barth writes ...
> > There are evidenly some 4 MB SIMMs that the SLC and ELC can share.
> > There may be problems related to refresh timing or something that
> > prevent others being shared.
> The SLC (IPC) runs with memory as slow as 80ns, the ELC (IPX) wants 
> at least 70ns sims (sure works with 60ns sims). I had a case where
> a SLC wouldn't work with memory chips previously used in an ELC,
> but I never discovered why at that time (that was some years ago...)
The ELC's can run on as slow as 80ns. (The sun ram we have is 80ns)
ELC's can take 33 and 36 bit ram.
The SLC's can *only* take 36 bit ram and they can only handle 4mb simms.
(16mb simms show up as 4Mb simms)

I know from *much* experimental evidence .. and some Sun Field Techs I know
have confirmed my observations.