Subject: Re: You guys are scaring me.
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Scott Telford <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/22/1997 16:38:58
> As far as I can tell, the formula for SS10's and SS20's is as follows:
> 	UNIT/sen
> 	  |  |||
> 	  |  ||\------	number of cpus. blank = 1 cpu
> 	  |  ||
> 	  |  |\-------	external cache. 0 = no, 1 = yes
> 	  |  |
> 	  |  \--------	cpu speed. 4 = 40MHz, 5 = 50Mhz, 6 = 60MHz, 7 = 75MHz
> 	  |			   8 = 85MHz (?), 15 = Ross 150MHz hypersparcs
>           |
> 	  \-----------	base type. SS10, SS20, SC1000, SC2000

Further to the above...

Other S10 models were the Model 20 and 30.  Model 20 was 33MHz, Model 30
was 36MHz.

HyperSPARC S20 models also included the Model HS11 (100MHz), HS21
(125MHz), HS22MP (2x 125MHz), HS14MP (4x 100MHz), as well as the later
Model 151 (150MHz) and 152 (2x 150MHz) above.

I don't recall any 85MHz SuperSPARC S20s.

Scott Telford, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre,       <>
University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK.(+44 131 650 5978)
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