Subject: Re: Survey: What _does_ work?
To: Rob Deker <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/16/1997 02:11:28
At 12:40 AM 2/16/97 -0500, Rob Deker wrote:
>On Sat, 15 Feb 1997, Kevin P. Neal wrote:
>> Ok, my SS10 is basically a wash. I can't get it to do networking, and I've
>> tried:
>> 3 motherboards 
>> 2 different speeds of RAM (80ns and 60ns)
>> 2 different sets of SCSI cabling
>> 2 cases
>> 2 processors (SM51 & SM61)
>> 2 power supplies
>> 2 installs of 1.2, one by me, one by my dealer.
>At the risk of sounding redundant, have you tried different network hardware?
>You say that you've been having network troublew/ the OS. Is it possible
>that you have a problem exrternal to the machine that is breaking stuff?
>Just a thought as I see no changes in the above list that would indicate
>you've tried a different patch cable, hub, etc....

Oh yeah, tried that as well.

Here at home I have a DELNI (a DEC AUI hub of sorts). It wouldn't work
hooked up to the delni. It wouldn't work if I had the break-out box hooked
up, but the aui cable not hooked up. It wouldn't work if I had the break-out
box _not_ hooked up. It wouldn't work with the break-out box hooked up to
a transciever.

It also wouldn't work in a different state with a different break-out box,
with whatever networking the guy uses at his place.

Through all of that, the symptoms didn't change: ledma: See your doctor!

Plus, one of the three motherboards had an old PROM: 2.14 vs 2.25 on the
other two.

Is it possible that this is an OS bug? I can't figure out any other reason
for these problems. 
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci.     -   House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM              -
XCOMM         " *** StarDOS makes great coffee! ***"
XCOMM From a mid-80's advertisement in "Compute's GAZETTE", a C64/C128 mag