Subject: Support for Sun4/470 and 4/490 Machines?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jason Fearon <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/23/1997 13:12:06
Does anyone know when support for the 4/470 and 4/490 machines will be
implimented ? is it nearly there or a long way off ?? I just procured a
Sun4/470 and was considering running NetBSD on it.  Any info would be
greatly appreciated.

      Jason E Fearon B.Eng       |              Ph: +61-2-899-5700 bh.
   Technical  Support Manager    |  Net Handles - Sidewindr, Zaphod   DoD #0435
   Comnet Solutions Pty. Ltd.    | DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions are my own
  E-mail:   |          and not necessarily those of ComNet.