Subject: Re: FSBE/S on 4/40
To: Steven Plite <>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/22/1997 01:03:35
> Now that lebuffer support is in -current, can someone tell me whether the
> le on a FSBE/S will work on a 4/40 (pre-OpenBoot PROM).  I've tried using
> it under both SunOS 4.1.3_U1 and 5.5 without success.  Neither seems to map
> the le as a leaf of the lebuffer nexus , and packets sent to the le go nowhere.

Currently, `lebuffer' is required to be the (Openboot) parent of `le'.
I don't know how -- if at all -- the `lebuffer' node is presented on
older PROM revisions.

If you get a chance, try running `prtconf -p -v' while in SunOS 5.5
