Subject: Re: can't su
To: Spark Stuff <>
From: Grey Wolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/08/1997 12:47:05
Spark Stuff sez:
 * Sorry if I'm asking too many questions....but I have finnaly figured out 
 * adding users and have now added ttyp0 as a secure port, but when I try to 
 * do "su" or "su -" , it then askes for the password and I type in the 
 * password for root and it then tells me BAD su for ROOT...what am I doing 
 * wrong, is there a file I need to configure first?

1.  You need to make sure you're really typing the right password -- check
    for typos, et al.

2.  'secure' has bearing only on ROOT LOGINS, and has no effect on other
    root access mechanisms such as remote shells (rsh/ssh) or su from an
    already existing shell.

