Subject: Netboot problems...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/28/1996 23:21:43
I am trying to netboot my Sun 4/110 using NetBSD/sparc 1.2 and am
experiencing problems (yet again). I've got tftpd installed (works
when accessed locally using tftp), a rarp entry for the Sun, and an
arp entry for the Sun.
The Sun is getting it's IP address, but in tcpdump on the server
machine, I am seeing tftp RRQs for the NetBSD boot loader (in my
case, C0A800003.SUN4 which exists in /tftpboot), but my server isn't
responding. The server is a Linux box.
I had this configuration working ONCE, but cannot get it working
again. Can anybody suggest any configuration issues which may be
causing this?
Mike Frisch Email:
Northstar Technologies WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA Compuserve: 76620,2534