Subject: Re: Some Sparc problems
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/26/1996 03:23:38
Jason gently corrects me:
>> (We *really* *really* *REALLY* need a compat_svr4(8) man page ... hint hint)
> Umm... one certainly exists in NetBSD-current... :-)

D'oh!  Well that'll teach me to open my gob after having commented out my
nightly sup ever since 1.2 came out.  OK, I'll revise my plea: I hope it
mentions /usr/src/etc/etc.svr4 and the SVR4_MAKEDEV stuff, then.  mknod'ing
all them devices seems to be really important ...

	- Greg
	  Who is amazed that WABI comes up at all, and who would be really
	  chuffed if network-using Windows binaries worked under WABI under
	  NetBSD/SPARC ...