Subject: Re: FASTCONSOLE on cgsix
To: Aaron Brown <>
From: Grey Wolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/06/1996 14:22:13
Aaron Brown sez:
# Are you talking about RASTERCONSOLE? If so, note the following comment
# from the cgsix driver:
# /* 
#  * Unlike the bw2 and cg3 drivers, we do not need to provide an rconsole
#  * interface, as the cg6 is fast enough.
#  */     
# So the cg6 driver apparently does not even use the raster console, even
# when it is enabled...

Apparently, theory != reality, here -- I notice a significant _loss_
of throughput on a sun4m cg6 when RASTERCONSOLE is enabled, believe it
or not.

I recompiled a kernel with RASTERCONSOLE taken out of the config, and
it now happily uses the on-board console driver (which I mistakenly
thought it didn't...silly me!) which _screams_.

# --Aaron
