Subject: help
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Franklin Acree <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/05/1996 14:49:02
I'm having trouble getting kermit or pppd to work on my IPX.
In Kermit, when I try the command connect, after using dial and the modem's
handshake, connect gives me "Communications disconnect" and puts me back at a
kermit prompt
with pppd, I get,
connect ppp0<-->/dev/ttya
modem hangup
connection terminated

My ttys line for /dev/ttya reads
/dev/ttya "/usr/(whatever directory, I don't rememebr right now)/getty
std.38400"	unknown 	off local secure

anything else I need to tell about what I have set that would help anyone know
how ta fix?