Subject: Re: TPE on SPARC Classic?
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/09/1996 09:01:28
	I believe you need to use the 'link0 link1' options at the end
	of the ifconfig line (you probably only need one, but I dont
	know which :).

	This is under 1.2 - IIRC -current (which we cant get quite yet :)
	supports autodetection of media on the sun4m.

                   David/abs             (

.---- I've been too drunk to love ----.--- I've been too drunk to remember -.
|          Too drunk to care          |     The hell of the night before    |
|  Looked like death, felt like Hell  |    I've been drinking myself blind  |
`------ Been the worse for wear ------'--- And still I'll drink some more --'

On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Alan e Capo e Mario wrote:

> I haven't been able to use the tpe interface on a SPARC Classic
> under NetBSD, though it works OK with SunOS (and Open Boot). I
> tried le0, but it gives me no carrier error (the error returned
> by the AUI interface). Should I use another interface? Please,
> reply to