Subject: Re: Some svr4 emulation tryings.
To: Aaron Brown <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/19/1996 17:11:43
> > I have just played a little bit with the svr4 emulation. It seems to work
> > much better than I expected, but I ran into some troubles:
> > 
> > Wabi starts and runs fine, I tried Coreldraw. However, it occassionally
> > can hang when moving around windows. I haven't been able to ktrace
> > why it hangs.
> How do you get WABI to run? Last time I looked, the script that starts it 
> tries to download some sort of LKM-like thing into the Solaris kernel, and I 
> couldn't figure out how to get around it. If WABI actually works, I'll be very 
> happy :-)
No problem at all. I just set WABIHOME to some nice place where
windows is and start wabiprog :-) I have only tried with 2.1 yet, 
will test 2.2 later.
Why would it want to load things into the kernel? It actually can't,
it's not setuid and not run as root.

-- Ragge