Subject: None
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Blake Wickliffe <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/08/1996 14:45:12
Here I go again...
	Thanks for all the help on the amd problem...Still havent quite
gotten it resolved yet but I think there might be a deeper underlying
problem here that is snagging me.  Any time I try to nfs mount a volume
using mount, the whole system locks up.  We're talking STOP-A boot
lock-up.  (If I do this in an X-Window, I can still use the other windows,
but in any of those sessions if I try to cd to the nfs-mount point, it
locks that session up too.)  Any explanation for this?  I am running stock
NetBSD1.1 on an ELC, if that helps any.