Subject: netboot hangs after kernel config
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dieter Baron <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/02/1996 12:51:13

i'm having trouble installing NetBSD 1.1 on my IPX (with a weitek
processor; a terminal is attachted as console) over the net (from an
i386 running NetBSD 1.1)

it boots and configures the kernel fine, up to printing

nfs_boot: using network interface 'le0'
nfs_boot: client_addr=0xc02aac01
nfs_boot: server_addr=0xc02aac02
nfs_boot: hostname=neruromancer
root on wintermute:/disk/ext/ipx/root
swap on wintermute:/disk/ext/ipx/swap

then it accessses the disk on wintermute quite excessively for about a
minute, then it hangs (with the drive activity led on) and sometimes
panics after some time, printing:

data fault: pc=f807ecf8 addr=11c ser=80<INVAL>
panic: kernel fault
syncing disks... done
Frame pointer is at 0xf9e68830
Call traceback:
  pc = f80d7384  args = (0, 90900fe5, f8109800, f9e68950, c, ffffffff) fp = f9e68898
  pc = f801e8e8  args = (100, f80fb800, 1, f9e689c0, f9e68958, f9e68954) fp = f9e68900

(can't say if the values are the same every time.)

can anyone tell me what is going wrong?
what is it trying to do? (why is it accessing the disk so excessively?)
