Subject: /dev/audioctl emulation?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/08/1996 03:07:44
The RealAudio folks have a SunOS version of their 2.0beta software out now.

I tried downloading it and using it on my NetBSD/SPARC 1.0 system (I know!
I know!  Lay off me man!) and it failed because it tried to open the SunOS
/dev/audioctl audio control device.  Knowing that some of the ioctl()'s
are subsumed by the normal /dev/audio device in NetBSD, I tried making a
phony /dev/audioctl device (i.e. made it the same as /dev/audio) to fool it,
but alas, it tries some ioctl() that returns an error under NetBSD and thus
it fails.

Is there anybody in port-sparc land familiar with this stuff?  From porting
some of the MBONE tools that use audio to NetBSD/SPARC (e.g., "ivs"), I was
led to believe that most of the current audio driver - i.e., the stuff which
isn't related to supporting PC audio hardware, in other words the main
underpinnings - was done by Van Jacobson et al. at LBL.  I'm curious as to
what might have to be done in this area to try and emulate the audioctl
interface, as it would be cool to have a working RealAudio player ...

	- Greg