Subject: Re: VME Ethernet with NetBSD/sparc 1.1
To: Chuck Cranor <>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/25/1996 12:23:00
At 04:01 PM 2/24/96 -0600, Chuck Cranor wrote:
>the "ie1" VME board has local RAM on it. all the DMA that the "ie" chip
>does is between the chip and the local RAM. the processor must map this
>RAM into kernel memory and use something like bcopy (wcopy actually) to
>move data between main memory and the VME board. so, there shouldn't
>be any DVMA involved with the "ie1" card.
Not knowing much about hardware, that's what I figured. What DMA
would an Ethernet board have to do?
>that either mike's card is configured wrong, or there is a quirk (bug)
>with the code and the 4/110 processor that is causing this problem.
I still had problems with SunOS as well, so I doubt it's a software
problem. My story gets better: I removed the VME Ethenet board to check
some part numbers and replaced it, and now it doesn't even get detected.
Did I destroy the board (I wouldn't know how)? If not, what happened?
>one thing to check is the px03 and px04 VME jumpers which should both
>be "OUT" for the "ie1" card.
I haven't checked these yet, but according to the Sun Hardware FAQ,
no changes should be req'd to the VME jumpers if adding this Ethernet board.
Thanks again for the info, Chuck!
Mike Frisch Email:
Northstar Technologies WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA Compuserve: 76620,2534