Subject: Re: VME Ethernet with NetBSD/sparc 1.1
To: Andrew Gillham <>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/25/1996 12:37:00
At 12:01 AM 2/24/96 -0500, Andrew Gillham wrote:
>FWIW, I have some minimal docs for my 4/110... In the manual

        More than I have :-(

>labeled "Cardcage Slot Assignments and Backplane Configuration Procedures"
>the "Sun-4/110X" supports these cards:
>Sun 4100 CPU Board
>501-1221 MCP
>501-1203 Sun ALM-2
>Sun VME Color Bd.
>501-1153 2nd Eth Ctlr

        Yes, this sounds like the exact documentation that's in the Sun
Hardware FAQ (which is what I based my purchase of this Ethernet board on).
Unfortunately, I do have my system configured as per the Sun Hardware FAQ,
but the board still doesn't work.  (My story gets better now though:  I
removed the board to check the MBus -> VME adapter part number, replaced the
board without changing anything, and now it's not even detected.  I know
that I didn't zap it with static electricity as I'm very careful about this,
but I can't imagine why it doesn't work now).
>  For Slot 3: If you wish to install a "VME-to-Multibus Adapter Board"
>  based product (such as the 2nd Ethernet), you MUST use adapter board
>  subassembly revision 501-1054, revision A or later to avoid signal
>  contention on the "P2 Memory" bus.

        I checked this and I do have a "501-1054-4 Rev D"

>*should* be supported on a 4/110.  I guess the thing to do would be
>to boot SunOS and see what it thinks of the ie1.

        Basically the same message reported as NetBSD/sparc.  (If I could
get the machine to detect the board now, I might be able to get further).

Thanks for the confirmation!


Mike Frisch                             Email:
Northstar Technologies                 WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA                      Compuserve: 76620,2534