Subject: Re: VME Ethernet with NetBSD/sparc 1.1
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/25/1996 12:11:00
At 04:37 PM 2/24/96 -0500, David Gilbert wrote:
>	Would his Sun4/110 CPU be able to DMA if it were put in a 12
>slot 3/260 chassy?  I suppose a polled IO ethernet would stink.

       This might be a solution, but I am curious to know if a 3/60 will
take this VME Ethernet board?  If so, I could set up my 3/60 as a terminal
server and retain the news/email servers on my 4/110.  I am quite
disappointed that I bought a machine which will not support a second
Ethernet board...


Mike Frisch                             Email:
Northstar Technologies                 WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA                      Compuserve: 76620,2534