Subject: Re: Disk w/o geometry label.
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/17/1995 13:35:11
> 	Well... in case anyone knows what it should be, when I boot,
> it tells me that they are `IBM, 0661467, G l' and `IBM, 0661467, G'  I
> managed to write 782600 blocks with dd to them.  I have to decide now
> on what geometry to assign to them.
> Dave.

Hmm, I've got:  (on a PS/2 Model 80 netware server)
	Device #  1 IBM     0661467          (26000001) 

In the partition table, it has:
	NetWare Partition                     0      381   381.9 Meg

If you haven't figured anything out by Monday, e-mail me, and I'll
down the server (test machine) and see what pfdisk says about the
The geometry probably is:
	382 cyls, 64 heads, 32 sects.
or	382 cyls, 32 heads, 64 sects.

The IBM SCSI BIOS is doing translation I'm sure, but that shouldn't 
