Subject: Re: Installing on SS2
To: Yoshua Gilbert <>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/28/1995 23:32:42
> Is there a method of installing NetBSD 1.1 on a Sparc 2 with one drive 
> that isn't attached to a network ?
> The installation guide doesn't describe a way to do this. I don't really 

There aren't any tools to do this in a systematic way yet.

You don't say what OS is currently running on your machine.
If it's NetBSD 1.0 you could proceed to carefully do the extraction
of new binaries by hand:
	- start with booting a 1.1 kernel
	- extract /usr/lib and /usr/libexec (retain copies of the
	  existing shared libraries, so you can retrace your steps).
	- extract other binaries
	(verify that things keep working all the time).

If you currently run SunOS, things get even more complicated. If your disk
is large enough you might be able to create a temporary partition
copy the SunOS system to it and boot off it. Once you've done this,
you can extract the NetBSD binaries to the partition(s) you've freed up.
You probably need a working backup device for all of this...
