Subject: Re: Playing Audio CDs under NetBSD/sparc!
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Rob Healey <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/02/1995 00:23:15
> > I've been whining for well over a year on this point [lockd/statd]
> > and noone thinks it important enough to work on in ANY of the free
> > OS's... B^(.
> Somehow, I think people in free-OS camps are unlikely to find an
> argument based on making the OS friendlier to binary-only commercial
> code compelling.  I sure don't; heck, if mine were the guiding vision,
> the OS would be almost actively hostile to such code.
	At the risk of starting a flame war, this seems like a poor
	attitude to take. Commercial software feeds many a mouth
	around here and without it we'd all have to be business majors
	or worse...

	I use freely available packages but I do not consider the quality
	of many popular packages to exceed or even equal the quality and
	usability of packages I paid money for.

	There are definitely dog commercial packages out there, basically
	anything from the PC industry is mostly junk claiming to be
	software but there are just as many, if not more, non commercial
	packages that aren't up to snuff either.

	"But WE have the source code!!!" So the fork() what? How many
	hundreds/thousands of dollars in TIME do you waste trying to get it
	to work when you have the source? Outside of personal hobby time few
	businesses can afford the time needed to support something via source.
	It's easier/less expensive to request a fix from the vendor or to
	switch to another package.

	Finally, the comments don't change the fact that most businesses
	run commercial packages that are critical to their daily use and
	Free OS's CANNOT replace commercial OS's till they can run those
	applications as good or better than the commercial applications.

	If binary only commercial applications were so useless then why have
	so many people knocked themselves out in the compat/emul section of the
	NetBSD kernel? Why does Linux knock itself out to be binary compatable
	with SCO and company?

	While the TRUE BSD faithful spurn and reject all things capitalistic
	some of us need to eat and have a roof over our heads and thus use
	and have to maintain systems requiring commercial applications.

	Donning asbestos suit...
