Subject: compiling xemacs
To: Rob Windsor <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/21/1995 08:24:16
>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Windsor <> writes:

Rob> Ugh, I stepped in it.  (Compiling xemacs on NetBSD/sparc
Rob> -current).

Rob> ./configure sparc-sun-netbsd --with-gcc

Rob> I had to tweak ./src/Makefile and ./src/config.h to tell it to
Rob> use unexsunos4.c instead of unexfreebsd.c and to not use gnu
Rob> malloc, but now it complains heavily about unexsunos4.c.

Rob> Any pointers on this one?

	Well... I know that we're not all GNU fans here, but
Gnu Emacs-19.29 compiles right out of the box (configure;make).  If
you really must use XEmacs, maybe taking the unexec from Emacs-19.29
will work for you.

	I'm running a Sun4/260 (sparc).


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:                |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |