Subject: Re: caps/num lock key lights
To: Paul Kranenburg <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/15/1995 11:32:26
   > Is there anyway to make these work under X?
   I would expect these to work since:
   >Working file: kbd.c
   >revision 1.16
   >date: 1995/04/27 14:27:11;  author: pk;  state: Exp;  lines: +33 -1
   >Handle KIOC[GS]LED ioctls; from Lon Willett.
   Maybe you must recompile the X11 server since the relevant code in there
   is conditional on a KIOCSLED definition.

i'll have a new R6 binary snapshot available soon for netbsd/sparc-current.
it will be based on R6pl12.

i just need to change ProjectRoot and recompile (i put my own ProjectRoot
in /local/R6 not /usr/X11R6, you see...)
