Subject: NetBSD sparc w/ a serial console.
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/08/1995 13:22:23
	After spending a long and frustrating time in a cold room with
my Sun4/260, I have the following advice and bug reports:

	Firstly, my Sun4 has a cgtwo0 card, and Jason has said that he
will try to port the Sun3 code for that card RSN.  So... in the
meantime, to get my machine up and running, I have resorted to a
serial console (since I don't have a monitor that would connect to the
bwtwo0 port).

	In so doing, I found that the kernel doesn't properly support
ttyb as a console.  Until init starts, everything goes to ttyb as
advertised.  After, nothing.

	Secondly, in hooking a vc6220 terminal to ttya, I found that
having it set in vt200 mode was not acceptable to the machine.  Simply
setting the terminal into vt100 mode solved the problems that I was
having.  On a side note to this, logging in remotely from another such
terminal (connected to a VAX-VMS machine) required me to use CTRL-J
for CR, but only during the passwd prompts.

	Thirdly, I'm curious why it seems to take about 2-6 hours for
mail to get through this server to the mailing lists.  Are we just
dealing with a very overloaded list-manager, or is there some other
esoteric reason?


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:                |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |