Subject: Re: kernel help
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/31/1995 12:45:13
> > Do you think that the NetBSD group could use my services??
> I should think we could!

Wait! Didn't you say you do kernel stuff at Sun? And you want to do kernel
stuff in NetBSD? Isn't that a conflict if interest? It would suck if you
did lots of cools stuff for NetBSD and then Sun came along and said
"By the way, we own what you wrote." or something like that.

I know IBM would probably be pissed if I, say, wrote an archie client
at home while I was working on Windows Archie for the past 6 months.

XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE 
XCOMM North Carolina State University
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------