Subject: Re: theo's changes
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG, core@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Riethmuller <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/27/1995 10:34:51

don't you think it's about time we put this silliness behind us and 
give it another try ?

Surely NetBSD can use all the contribution it can get ?

It's a shame to see a project like NetBSD with such great heritage
and potential slowed or sidetracked by these personal issues.

Can't we all agree to be a little less sensitive and trigger-happy
and learn a lesson from this ?

Theo, Jonathon: are you both happy to let all these foregone bad feelings
		slide and forget about the incident ?  Noone can win in
		a situation like this.

Chris, core:	if these 2 guys can agree to let this slide, I'm sure
		we will have all learnt something from this.  Don't you
		think it would be reasonable then to reinstate any
		access that previously existed and agree to move forward
		in a cooperative spirit ?

I'd really like this to be almost the last email on this subject.

What I'd really like to see is email from Theo and Jonathon, indicating
their willingness to put this behind them, for the good of the project.
And one from Chris on the final outcome.
