Subject: -static binaries from dec 30th available...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marshall Midden <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/04/1995 15:27:18
If anyone else is having as much problem with the sparc current as I am... .
I decided to be nice and put up -static binaries for people.

They are from either the Dec 30th 5am sup, or the Jan 3rd 5am sup (what, you
mean it don't always compile?).  Kernel is from Dec 18th -- still trying.
      anonymous ftp from*
Export restrictions apply for these files: 
       bin.tar.gz		bin/ed
       sbin.tar.gz		sbin/init
       usr.lib.tar.gz		usr/lib/libcrypt.a

The kernel (netbsd.gz) is for an IPC with root on 1a, swap on 1b.
Please set up /etc as appropriate.  (Like from the base release.)
Files are:
      bin.tar.gz		/bin
      netbsd.gz			/netbsd
      sbin.tar.gz		/sbin
      usr.bin.tar.gz		/usr/bin		/usr/games
      usr.include.tar.gz	/usr/include
      usr.lib.tar.gz		/usr/lib
      usr.libdata.tar.gz	/usr/libdata
      usr.libexec.tar.gz	/usr/libexec
      usr.sbin.tar.gz		/usr/sbin
      usr.share.tar.gz		/usr/share