Subject: Re: benchmarks... (was: Re: More on UFS performance)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/09/1994 15:27:01
> Since the PROM monitor runs an emacs-based interface, you can do

> ok setenv oem-banner? true
> ok setenv oem-banner ^Q^[[q

> At least it worked for me...

Hm.  It works for me too, though it fails to echo the escape prettily,
which is why I assumed it didn't work when I first tried ^Q.

Now, any idea how I can get arbitrary characters into a string?  In
particular, I want to load oem-logo, and need some characters I can't
type (0xff in particular).  ^Q works only for characters one can type.

Or is there some way to do this through /dev/eeprom or /dev/openprom or
whatever it's called?  If indeed such a thing is implemented (I haven't
looked yet)?

					der Mouse