Subject: Re: NetBSD on Sun-4/1x0?
To: None <feral!>
From: - Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/13/1994 12:27:09
>Here's the background, Matt.  These guys are trying to get BSD up on everything
>and someone asked what about the 4/110 (why, I don't know, I hardly think
>it is worth it, but...)  The topic of SCSI weird came up and I thought that
>(a) you would know all about it and (b) you might enjoy talking to the 
>NetBSD crowd.  So that's why I pointed you guys at each other.  Have fun...

(Sending this to Matt's home address instead.)

Actually Matt, we're really trolling for a SCSI expert to write an st and sr
driver for NetBSD/SPARC, but we figured we'd ease into it slowly first with
an innocent question about antique hardware :-) :-) :-)

Next we mailbomb Fritz Vanderlinden and Kevin Sheehan :-) :-) :-)

	- Greg
