Subject: [/landisk] PX-EH40L and low network transfer speed
To: None <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: port-sh3
Date: 04/03/2007 13:49:28

on my Plextor PX-EH40L, I have 4.0_BETA2 running with FTP, NIS, NFS and
SMB server configured. Using either FTP, NFS or SMB, I can't seem to go
over ~20Mb/s (on a 100Mb LAN).

I have increase TCP windows size:

I have tweaked SMB configuration (with NO_DELAY ,and TCP Win Size), ...

The same tweaks that I did on my initial NFS/SMB server (Athlon64 2GHz) -
which delivers about 12MB/s via FTP and a bit less with SMB.

I think I saw the default embeded Linux system deliver about ~11MB/s via FTP.
Not 100% sure though, as the system didn't live for a long time :)

My question is: is your network speed correct on 100Mb LAN with /landisk ?
Or is it known that the 200MHz proc does not live well with IDE transfer ?

I have build my own /landisk release from a /i386 release...
I don't know how, but this may be a clue...

Ideas ?