Subject: R10k errors (was: Re: R10k O2 won't boot)
To: Jared D. McNeill <>
From: david l goodrich <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 04/15/2007 17:22:33
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 04:02:10PM -0400, Jared D. McNeill wrote:
> Please grab the file again (built this time w/ mec debugging =20
> disabled). MD5: d717a0131ceb5482001ccfad4086184c

alright, we're booted, thanks for the updated kernel.

I'm downloading pkgsrc now from cvs.

or, I was.

i see these errors on the console:
 crime: cpu error 4 at address 4519850
 crime: cpu error 4 at address 4519858
 crime: cpu error 4 at address 4569da4
 crime: cpu error 4 at address 4569da8

and the checkout stops (i was doing this from an ssh connection)
 cvs checkout: Updating pkgsrc/archivers/star/patches
 U pkgsrc/archivers/star/patches/patch-aa
 U pkgsrc/archivers/star/patches/patch-ab
 cvs checkout: Updating pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit
 U pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit/DESCR
 U pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit/Makefile
 U pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit/PLIST
 U pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit/distinfo
 cvs checkout: Updating pkgsrc/archivers/stuffit/pkg
 cvs checkout: Updating pkgsrc/archivers/szdd

and the machine is not responding at the serial console.

It seems likely that the R10k is still not supported.

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