Subject: Re: SGI O2 not displaying anything...
To: None <>
From: Fabian Wenk <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/08/2006 21:45:30
Hello Ruth
Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:
> They seem to be operational - in the sense that the chord can be heard
> on boot, and the fromt LED goes orange then green on the front. However,
> neither actually displays anything on the screen when I connect either a
> newish LCD nor an older CTX monitor to them. Also, the keyboard capslock
> LED doesnt light up.
Looks like as if it is set to serial console.
> Both monitors do perceive there is a 1280x1024 signal coming in -
> although they think its at different rates.
I'm not sure what the monitor does "see" when the system is set
for using the serial console. But if it is not set to serial
console you should be able to see anything on any standard VGA
> When I try to switch it off, it does so fairly promptly but not
> immediately - about 2-3 secs delay. There is a CD drive and the tray
> will pop out as requested. I've nothing to put in it though.
Yes, turning it off has some lag, as with Irix this is just a
switch which tells the OS to do a clean shutdown.
> I've tried attaching a serial console on one of them but this hasn't
> helped. I've actually got a laptop running SecureCRT 3 using a cable I
> know worked for another console type issue, but I can't easily change
> the null-modem state (I think it is already nulled, so I'm saying I
> can't easily try straight-through). The serial port is set at 9600 8N1,
> no flow control.
A null-modem cable is needed. The settings looks ok, if the
console speed on the O2 is still at default value. Do you see any
garbage in the terminal program? If yes, change the speed on the
serial port / terminal program on your notebook. Also try to hit
Enter a few times.
> Are they both dead?
Not sure, could be, that the video output is set to some strange
parameters, because the O2 also can do sync-on-green, which maybe
was need for some older monitors which where connected to it
before. Do you now if anything is installed on the harddisk?
You could try to press ESC shortly after the startup chime sounds,
then the O2 does not boot and goes into the "Maintenance Screen".