Subject: Re: Some feedback about netbsd on indigo --> part I: a kernel
To: Pierre Letouzey <>
From: Stephen M. Rumble <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 10/30/2006 17:22:36
Quoting Pierre Letouzey <>:
> *** The issue: ***
> On both IP20 and IP22 machines, with netbsd 3.0.1, kernel
> GENERIC32_IP2x (ecoff flavour), I obtain a kernel crash when running
> an application test_triv obtained from the following file ...
> ------------------ test_triv.s ------------------------
> .text
> .align 2
> .globl __start
> __start:
> li $2,1 # $v0 = 1 i.e. syscall exit
> syscall
> --------------------------------------------------------
> ... and compiled in the following way:
> gcc -nostdlib -mno-abicalls -fno-pic -static -o test_triv test_triv.s
> Here is the displayed messages when the crash occurs:
> TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) in kernel mode
> status=0xff23, cause=0x20000008, epc=0x0, vaddr=0x0
> pid=447 cmd=test_triv usp=0x7fffde10 ksp=0xc41b7e78
> Stopped in pid 447.1 (test_triv) at 0: invalid address.
Ick. Can you get a backtrace ('bt' command)? I don't have the
resources here to work on this problem, but perhaps we can track down
what's going on. You'll probably need to compile a kernel with
debugging enabled in order to make sense of the EPC value.
> PPS: I've seen that the preferred way to report bugs is via the
> send-pr tool, but my netbsd experimental systems have no configured
> mailer...
There's a web-based form: