Subject: Re: Excuse my ignorance/Heresy
To: SgiMIPS <>
From: Glenn Barry <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 08/01/2006 20:13:11
Hi there,
Can anyone tell me which parts I need to download to start looking at
the USB source
seems to have all of it, am I missing something?
Max Matveev wrote:
>>>>>>"G" == Generatrix Dev <Co." <>> writes:
> G> ...There are many other interesting models too from
> G> SGI which should be benefited of having working the
> G> USB Stack, as an example:
> G> O2, Octane, Octane2, Fuel, Tezro, Onyx Series, Origin
> G> Series (with a suitable graphic head), etc...
> The point I was trying to make is that there is no accessible USB
> ports on any of the MIPS machines, O2 and O200 have an "easy" option
> of adding USB devices via PCI card as long as one can find a PCI USB
> hub, I'm not sure if Fuel or Tezro have native PCI slots and getting
> cardcages is a non-trivial excercise since they were never readily
> available on the second hand market. So, you either stuck with O2 or
> you go to O300/O350 to get PCI.
> max