Subject: Re: Excuse my ignorance/Heresy
To: SgiMIPS <>
From: Max Matveev <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/28/2006 22:03:26
>>>>> "G" == Generatrix Dev <Co." <>> writes:

 G>  ...There are many other interesting models too from
 G> SGI which should be benefited of having working the
 G> USB Stack, as an example:

 G>  O2, Octane, Octane2, Fuel, Tezro, Onyx Series, Origin
 G> Series (with a suitable graphic head), etc...

The point I was trying to make is that there is no accessible USB
ports on any of the MIPS machines, O2 and O200 have an "easy" option
of adding USB devices via PCI card as long as one can find a PCI USB
hub, I'm not sure if Fuel or Tezro have native PCI slots and getting
cardcages is a non-trivial excercise since they were never readily
available on the second hand market. So, you either stuck with O2 or
you go to O300/O350 to get PCI.
