Subject: Re: Boot fails on Challenge S
To: None <>
From: George Harvey <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/08/2006 22:57:42
On Tue, 4 Jul 2006 23:47:27 +0100
George Harvey <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install 3.0 on an R5000/180 Challenge S and have a
> couple of questions. I'm netbooting the install kernel, it starts to
> load then hangs hard at:
> haltwo0 at hpc0 offset 0x58000
[ snip ]
I thought of a work round, install the disk in a standard Indy, rebuild
the kernel then move the disk into my Challenge S. So, I tried
netbooting 3.0 on an R4600/133 Indy and, sure enough, it gets past
'haltwo'. BUT, it then fails on the SCSI probe. The system automatically
reboots before I can write down all the messages but it starts something
MSGOUT Failed!
wd33c93_intr: LCI asr:c0 csr:1f
probe(wdsc0:0:1:0): wdsc0: timed out;
followed by a lot more SCSI timeout errors. The disk is an IBM
DNES-309170 at SCSI ID 1 and boots IRIX OK so I don't think it's a disk
or termination problem. The error messages look the same as reported in
the thread "Challenge S netbootproblem, SCSI?" back in March 2003 but
that was with the 1.6 kernel.
Any suggestions?