Subject: Re: Problems booting 2.0.2 ISO on R5000 o2?
To: None <>
From: Fabian Wenk <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 08/06/2005 13:11:52
Hello Tim

Tim Hicks wrote:

> I've recently been handed an o2 to play with (180mhz, 64mb ram). I
> downloaded the 2.0.2 ISO, burned it (using Nero 6 on Windows) and

As far as I know, the iso images do still not contain the boot 
loader needed to boot on a O2. Check the archive of this list [1] 
for more informations.


I did install it with netbooting from a local tftp server and 
installing from a local ftp server, see the hints I wrote down 
for 2.0_BETA [2]. They should be adaptable for 2.0.2 also, as I 
used them with 2.0 release too.


You should be able to take the files from the CD you made and use 
them on the ftp server. Probably it could be possible to install 
from the local disks instead of the ftp server. Then you need 
only the tftp server, free versions should also be available for 
Windows, ask Google [42] for "tftp server" [3].

