Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD on Indigo 2 says"int0: unexpected local0 interrupt
To: None <>
From: Volkmar Seifert <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 04/28/2005 16:12:18
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>> For cables, see if you can find a Macintosh Modem cable
>> (DIN8 to DB25) combined with Belkin Serial computer to
>> computer cable.  (or the mac cable with a Null Modem
>> adapter).
>> I had to use the Belkin serial cable (sometimes called a
>> win95 computer interconnect kit) because null modem
>> adapters are rare these days.

Hmm...ok, it's been quite a while since I've been working with serial
direct computer-to-computer connections, but from what I recall, a
nullmodem cable is simple and plainly a serial cable with rx and tx
lines crossed. At least on RS232 serial ports - or am I wrong there?
As mentioned before, it's been quite a while in the past since doing
stuff like that.

Btw - a simple DB25 to DB25 Nullmodem-Cable (for pc / rs232) should be
somewhere in my lockers...

I will look for such cables on the internet, and try to make up my own
one as well - a bit of training with the good old soldering gun won't
hurt that much (as long as you don't touch the iron  ;-)  )

Thanks for the information.


MfG / Sincerely

Volkmar Seifert
Senior Consultant

 sEyeCon IT-Consulting      | Phone : +49-8546-97452-1
 Schalterner Str. 70        | Fax   : +49-8546-97452-2
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