Subject: Re: Newer kernels not booting all the way & maximum RAM problems
To: None <>
From: sgimips NetBSD list <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 03/24/2004 14:49:05
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 11:50am, Rafal Boni wrote:
> Subject: Re: Newer kernels not booting all the way & maximum RAM problems
> In message <>, you write:
> -> 1. I'm unable to boot any kernel from newer than the
> -> 20040103 build. They all boot, to an extent, but freeze at this point:
> ->
> -> (snip)
> -> root file system type: ffs
> -> Tue Mar 23 22:59
> ENOCLUE here. My O2 hasn't been on in entirely too long...
I can confirm that all the snapshots beginning with the releng Jan 28 snapshots
will not boot on the O2 (both R5K and R10K). The INSTALL kernels hang in the
middle of the "Terminal type?" message, and the GENERIC kernels hang in the
middle of the "Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh:" message.
I've built a kernel cvs'd today and the problem still exists. the Jan 5 releng
build is the last working snapshot there.
So, something committed between the Jan 5 and the Jan 28 builds has broken the
O2/IP32 support.