Subject: Re: mips asm development
To: Ryan Cozzubbo <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 01/20/2004 10:34:26
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Ryan Cozzubbo wrote:
> I am in the beginning process of learning mips assembly. What do you use
> for development tools? Do you program, cross compile on netbsd-i386? If
> so, are there any docs on how to setup gcc/as/ld to cross compile?
NetBSD's toolchain iss crosscompiler-ready, doing something like "
-m sgimips tools" should give you a compiler, assembler, etc. that will
have sgimips as target.
See here for some more information:
> What I want to do is to program something that boots and prints out a
> string (baby steps). Maybe later on more complicated stuff.
IC... have a look at the routines in src/sys/arch/sgimips. :)
> What books do you recommend? I just ordered "see mips run", I'm hoping
> that could start me off.
I hear that's THE book for MIPS programming.
(I've not read it myself, and I don't do MIPS programming either, so...
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>