Subject: Re: Latest snapshot boot..
To: port-sgimips <>
From: Achim Hensel <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/27/2003 17:57:48
> hard-drives (1Gig seagates) were set to ID=2. I took one out, and
> set the other to no
> jumpers (should be ID=0), and it somehow shows up as *every* ID (ie,
> looks like a drive
> on every scsi ID). I set it to ID=1, and now it shows up as just
> drive 1. (and then I have
> the cdrom on ID=6). I tried several drives, and all do the same
> thing.
> Seems rather strange.
No, on sgi, the controller has ID0, so that setting should behave
strangely ("strange" includes non-function).