Subject: Re: Running on R4k/R3k Indigo
To: Erik Reid <>
From: Steve Rumble <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 03/19/2003 06:07:32
I apologize for not text wrapping as my bandwidth and facilities here make it far more of a hassle than I#d frefer to deal with..

R4k support is about on par with the Indy (as hardware is nearly identical), however, there remains a lingering bug that Rafal hypothesized as being cache related and I haven't the experience to debug.
R3k boots partially now, however as I left it, clock interrupts weren't kicking, but otherwise the port looked quite hopeful. The machines under IP17, if I recall correctly, are not ARCS, and thus in order to get certain configuration parameters (especially the ethernet mac address) support for the NVRAM would need to be written. That is essentially where I left off. The ARCS issue necessitates a fair bit of additional code in machdep.c. The lack of ARCS also means pulling memory configuration from the PIC (IP12's MC, if I recall correctly).
What is on my site ( is probably as far as I've gone with IP20 support. My tree at home, which is on a powered down machine and not remotely accessible, has a ton of other small hacks in addition to a heinous IP12 additions, but that is essentially all.
I'll see if somebody at the house can upload the code, but I'll have to walk them through completely by email ;) Otherwise, I'm in West Africa until the 18th of April, and will likely not return from hitchhiking in Europe for a month after.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 04:06:29PM -0700, Erik Reid wrote:
> Quoth Achim Hensel:
> >Hello, folks (of both lists)
> >
> >I recently got both an R4k and an R3k SGI Indigo. 
> >
> >I know, none of them is supported at the moment.
> >So, I want to try to change that.
> >
> >I hadn't started yet, but every help is appreciated.
> NetBSD doesn't have support in-tree for either of these, but there
> has been some work done to make the R4K work.  
> has some of it.  I believe
> that Steve Rumble did more work on cleaning it up, but I think he's
> out of country at the moment.  It's a place to start, for sure.