Subject: Re: Test
To: Mauricio <>
From: Gerald heinig <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/17/2002 20:08:01
Mauricio wrote:
> >In message <a05100309b95a76e8f17a@[]>, you write:
> >
> >-> Is there anybody... out there?
> >->
> >-> Or is it just me who has not seen any activity in one week?
> >
> >The list isn't very high-volume, but there are still people out there 8-)
> >The last message to the list I still have filed away is July 11th, so
> >you're not far off if you haven't seen traffic in ~ a week.
> >
> >--rafal
> Ok, then someone needs to stir the pot and create a mess. =)
> I have a Personal Iris 4D/20. What are the chances of me being able
> to have netbsd running on it?
The chances will rise considerably if you do the most boring,
frustrating and time-consuming part of any port yourself: finding
_adequate_ documentation. With good doco, ports can be (relatively) easy
and fun. On the one hand, the age of the machine will reduce the
reluctance of SGI to release documentation for it, on the grounds that
there's no intellectual property to be lost; on the other hand, the age
will substantially raise the chances of all doco being in some landfill.
Try and get some docs from somewhere; posting in newsgroups such as
comp.sys.sgi (if it exists) can yield useful results, as can polite
letters to middle management at SGI (top management doesn't have the
time, grunts don't have permission).
Hope that helps a bit.